If you have all the necessary information to file, the extension process is typically fairly quick. What may prolong the process is if you do not know how to or need additional time to estimate your tax liability (an IRS requirement for all extensions) or if you are e-filing your extension you may need time to lookup your PIN/AGI in order to sign your filing.
On the 4868 tax form, the IRS requires all of the following information (remember that if you are filing jointly, you will need that person's information as well):
Note: Our site is secured with 256 bit SSL security and in an effort to keep our users as safe as possible we do not store sensitive taxpayer information after concluding the filing.
Unfortunately, to use this website, you and your spouse (if filling jointly) need a Social Security Number (SSN). If you do not have this information you may be able to proceed with an extension by printing a blank form, completing it by hand and mailing it, however, you will need to contact the 1-800-829-1040 for instructions on doing so.