In order to request an extension of your federal taxes, a IRS Form 4868 must be completed prior to the tax deadline. But what if you live in a state that requires an income tax return? Do you need to file an extension in that state as well? The answer to this depends on where you earned your income.
The following is a list of links to information on filing state income tax extensions. This is provided to assist visitors in finding the filing forms they may need.
DISCLAMER - Visitors are responsible for insuring they file the appropriate form for their specific filing situation., takes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information listed on this page.
As with a request for Federal extension, you will estimate your taxes and, if possible, should pay what you owe by the original filing deadline. This is an extension to file and not an extension to pay outstanding tax liability. Accordingly, if you don’t pay your estimated tax by the deadline, you can be assessed with interest and/or penalties from your state taxing authority.
* Does not have a state income tax.
** This state does not usually require that a form be filed to obtain an extension but it may have other requirements.